Talking about bad things too often can give them too much power like Angelou says, but I think some things should be talked about at least once to overcome the anxiety and fear of it. Some things can eat away at you until you finally overcome that fear or anxiety and just say the thing out loud and realize it is okay. I think she either didn't understand that or never had it happen to her, she just held things in and didn't speak about it.
I don't think I would go without talking for 5 years no matter what happened to me. I would feel like I was wasting time and my life away living in and hating the past event that may have happened. I like to continue life and be happy to get past any type of tragic event. I feel like staying quiet and not moving past it would let it continue feeling like its eating you on the inside.
I think it would be cool to speak multiple languages. But I don't know when I would take the time to learn any. It is better to learn them growing up instead of trying to later on, so I would feel like it is somewhat wasting time because all we really need to live here is English.
I remember some things. I feel like it is better this way because some things we want to move past and forget, or never think about. I remember happy time mostly, there aren't too many sad or embarrassing moments that burn into my head for me to remember. The most fuzzy times of my life would be ages 0-3 and then my years up to high school, everything becomes fuzzy and hard to remember being in that mindset and routine.
I think she means that a fact can be anything that has happened or is technically true. The truth is something that should be held close to your heart and something you should live your life by.
My biggest distractions for my "small mind" is my phone, computer, and electronics. I have used things like solving a rubiks cube to pass time and be engaged. I can also listen to music to be engaged and pass time.
The easy part about writing for me is flowing once you have the flow started. The hardest part can be getting engaged and starting a flow of thoughts. Writing is hard work all together.
I think once you are past twenty-five it just gets harder, not impossible to learn. While you may be more focused on what't important and not distracted, is will still probably be harder to learn.
What a great point about you make about staying silent after a traumatic event: "I would feel like I was wasting time and my life away living in and hating the past event that may have happened." That make a lot of sense to me and I hadn't thought of it that way before. Thanks!