Friday, September 2, 2016


Hey Samantha, I can relate to the working even more than you are at home and going out for fried asparagus and sushi. I really enjoy the "pinterest perfect life in Colorado", line it gives me nostalgia and makes me look forward to the future. Also how you mention time passing and "losing track" of it. I have thought about that a lot lately and have tried to stay in the moment and enjoy each day. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing Samantha, I love the portion about Halloween because it reminds me of my younger years, really looking forward to it and enjoying every bit of it. It reminds me of every costume I used to wear and I thought your "trash bag" costume was pretty funny. Thinking about raking leaves throws me back to being a young kid at my grandparents house raking them up and jumping in, without another thought on my mind. I like how that random Octoberfest can "spark" that many memories and reminds me of a few objects I have that can do just the same. 

I love the "still figuring out how life works" line as I think we can almost all relate to that.  "A son to wonderful parents who teach me the right from the wrong", this reminds me of how much my parents care and try to always help me, and like a lot of teenagers, I don't give them enough credit. I really enjoyed where you said "A humble kid, but I always think I am right", I feel that way and it has been hard to describe, but even that short sentence describes it pretty well. Thanks for sharing Matt!

Hey Matt, I don't actually enjoy running, but this reminds me a lot of soccer, which we played together Freshman year. "I couldn’t make up this story if I tried", I really enjoyed this and thought it was a little funny because I, and most likely many others, have had those same moments. It's very cool that you met Allison in track and the "support" reminds me of my girl who supports me just as much. Thanks for sharing!

Hey Kam, "but they’re just mad that it gets priority seating in my car." I love that and it actually made me laugh! " Sometimes it’s not necessarily the object that is so important, but the memories that are associated with it.", this is so true and reminds me of some objects I have that are the same way. I enjoy how much you love baseball and it's very cool how the one you found means so much and that you take it anywhere and everywhere. Thanks for sharing!

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  1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and specific comments. I know your classmates appreciate your friendly and attentive feedback.
