Thursday, September 22, 2016

Maya Angelou Poem

I sing of freedom
Making your own choices, truly getting to do what you want, when you want
I love the freedom of having a car and being able to do whatever I want during the day until curfew
Like the snap of a finger, you're out of the stage where you ask your parents to take you and figure out rides
Looking back on those times, life seems to have gone slower
I think moving out is the point where you get the biggest change in freedom and start to experience what life is like being responsible for yourself fully
Making your own choices, while it can have consequence, is a great feeling
Time may seem to keep going quicker as we get older
I wonder if we will reminisce and wish we could come back to when days went by a bit slower
Or if we will enjoy the moments of our days to come, and not get caught up with life, letting it pass us by

1 comment:

  1. "I wonder if we will reminisce and wish we could come back to when days went by a bit slower." I think you will. I know I do...
